Can I tell you a Secret?


Well, I’ve finally jumped on the Shabby Chic band wagon!  lol   I thought it would be perfect for this awesome Stampavie image by Sarah KayCan I Tell You a Secret.    AND, since I now have a shiny, brand new Tim Holtz Paper Distressing Tool, it was soooo easy!!   Yay.  (really saves on stress to the ole’ finger nails!)  



I also used LOTS of Distress Inks –  BTW, have you heard they released some NEW Distress Ink colors?!    I’m super excited about this and verified with Tab at 7 Kids that she WILL be carrying these in the store.   I’ll keep you posted.  

The main image was colored with Copics  (listed below) and highlighted on the edges with Vintage Photo and my new tool.  The DP is from the Basic Grey origins 6×6 pad.   I added a small heart doily that was distressed with Old Photo and a little Antique Paper inks.   The primas and Tim Holtz Adage Ticket sentiment were also distress with Vintage Photo ink and that same fun tool!  

It was so nice to work on a card that was SUPPOSED to be distressed!   This technique seems to happen to my cards often even when I’m not trying.    🙂


Copics Used:   R20, 22, 30;  YR23, 24, 31;  G12, 24, 40;  Y00, 11, 15, 17, 21;  E000, 00, 01, 11, 21, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 97, 99; W1, 3, 5

All That Scraps Wednesday Challenge ~ Valentine Treat Holder


Awwww…. isn’t he a little cutie?   This is Valentino from All That Scraps.    Our challenge this week is to make a Valentine Day treat holder and I thought he would work perfectly!    I decided to go with the pocket/box from Rachel Jakes  again for my treat holder.  



OMG, ANOTHER card with little or no Copics involved!   I’m suffering from withdrawal!!    🙂     Valentino was paper pieced using DP from Making Memories, Stitched Heart Love Notes.   The hearts were paper pieced with some Martha Stewart red foil paper.    I actually did use a W1 Copic marker for some light shading … couldn’t help myself!    

Here’s the inside of the Valentine Treat holder …



It really is another set of candy – may look the same, but I swear it’s not!   lol    These just seemed to be the best fit for the pocket.  

So be sure to pop over the All That Scraps Wednesday Challenge blog to get some awesome ideas for Valentine’s Day.

Hope your Wednesday is going well!    Take care.