All That Scraps Wednesday Challenge ~ Use Newsprint or a Book Page


Time for my favorite challenge!   This week, we were to use newsprint or a book page on our card.   All I can say is CHALLENGE is the absolute correct term here.    I was really stumped … until I looked at the C.C. Designs images I had and saw this adorable Nurse Nora.   It all made perfect sense after that!   🙂    (TG!)

Here’s the full — VERY BRIGHT — card



Don’t ya just love her shiny red boots??!!  

I decided to make a card for someone (seems like EVERYONE at this time of year) who is suffering from a cold/flu bug.   I included an article from the internet on “How to Care for a Cold“.    The DP used is from the Basic Grey June Bug 6×6 paper pad ~ I thought the center print looked just like a warm, cozy quilt ~ Exactly what is needed when suffering from a cold or flu!

Here’s a closeup of a portion of the article …   I love the first item “Eat chicken soup“!   



TWO new items of interest!     Nurse Nora’s wings were painted with a new SMOOCH paint product.  You know I LOVE Smooch paint!    It’s called  Smooch Illuminate Pearlized Top Coat, and  YES, I love it!   It’s similar to shimmerz paint, but doesn’t leave that dark glitter appearance.   The glitter is an iridescent combo of pinks and greens – VERY cool IRL.     

AND, I’ve finally used my Nellie Snellen flower punches/embossers (?)  for this card!   Yes, I love them too!   🙂       Tab from 7KCF has just added this NEW set to the store, now up for preorder!

Be sure to take a peek at all the cards for this challenge from the awesome ATS Wednesday Challenge Design Team.    There is a prize up for grabs, if you join us — all the details can be found here.

Happy Wednesday …   we’re getting closer!


Copics Used:   R17, 20, 29, 30, 35, 89;  Y11, 21;  B60, 63;  E000, 00, 01, 11, 97, 99;  W1, 3;  T1, 3, 5


  1. If I were sick, I know I would feel much better after receiving this bright and cheerful card! I always have to stare at your amazing coloring(and of course look at the colors you used…thank you!) Such creative to add the special note on colds too. I have never used smooch…how does it differ from radiant pearls or H2O’s? Looks like fun to use. Great post today girlie!

  2. aaaahhh she’s so cute Mary! LOVE her shiny boots! I haven’t been sick! yay! but probably the first day of Spring! bah! lol
    Pam Going Postal

  3. This is awesome. Love all the red, and the instructions for a cold is such a cute touch.

  4. So cute Mary. I would love to have this nurse visiting me if I were sick!

  5. How’d you get the shiny boots/ They are adorable! What a wonderful card… I’m here sniffling with a cold and certainly enjoyed the cheer 😉

  6. Leave it to you to find the perfect artical for this challenge. Nurse Nora is adorable I am sure whom ever receives this get well card will feel better as soon as they see it. Great great job

  7. STINKIN cute Mary Mary! 🙂

  8. OMGosh, your coloring is AMZING! I love the boots. SO CUTE! TFS!

  9. Those boots are way too cute!! By the way, do you have ANY card making tools and supplies that you DON’T love!!! 🙂

  10. Mary, your Nurse Nora is ADORABLE!!! I LOVE her red go-go boots and the fabulous, vibrant colors of the whole thing! What a cute idea for cold care, too! I could use some chicken soup right now! Awesome design!

  11. Jeanne New says:

    How did you do the shiny boots?? I love them!!!

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